Spectrum Support

Spectrum Member Family Unit Support

Welcome to Spectrum Support.

Spectrum is passionate about the work we do with families and carers of children with Autism, additional needs and disabilities. We provide that support in many ways. Our charity provides ongoing support for children from birth to 18 years of age- families do not need an ‘official’ diagnosis to access our resources; they just need to be registered with us. Our membership is free.

We are huge advocates of peer-to-peer learning, sharing like-minded families’ knowledge and experiences on similar journeys. In addition to this, we can also provide access to our dedicated child and family support.

Our support team is accessible to our members from the comfort of their own home, regardless of their geography or location. Our help is complementary to any other steps you have taken. We always aim to respond initially to any support requests within 5 working days.

Spectrum is proud to work with MHFA for Mental Health First Aiding and supporting the well-being of the families we work with.

  • Family Work

    Practical help and emotional support to the families we work with for family unit wellbeing, from early years forward on the path to diagnosis. Also assisting with positive parenting and behavioural gains.

  • EHCP (Education Healthcare Plan)

    Assisting families who need guidance in putting an EHCP and forms in place for their child’s education setting, or who need supporting with an existing EHCP.
  • Child Behavioural Support

    Helping children and young people with a range of mental, neurodevelopmental and behavioural problems as well as interventions. Also assisting with such areas as anxiety support, challenging behaviour and sleep hygiene.

  • DLA & PIP - Disability Benefits

    Assisting families with guidance on benefits they may be entitled to, such as DLA (Disability Living Allowance), PIP (Personal Independence Payment), Short Breaks and Family Fund.

Spectrum also supports families in a variety of further ways, such as:

  • Providing fun-filled weekend sessions where children and their families can find inclusion and understanding.
  • Exciting day excursions, dedicated monthly sessions and events.
  • MAX cards offer discounted admission to a variety of thousands of venues and attractions across the UK.
  • Opportunities for children to complete recognised national awards such as The Arts Award.
  • Access to secure and dedicated Minecraft servers for children with additional needs.

We are delighted to have won both the Cambridge Live Community Group award alongside the Luminus Community Inspiration award through the work that we do with families in this area. Spectrum is also referenced on Pinpoint’s website.

Just some of the conditions we support families with

We assist families in supporting a wide range of additional needs, disabilities and conditions that affect their children's lives and the family unit overall. These are both with and without a clinical diagnosis.

Autism (ASD), Dyspraxia, ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), Global Development Delay (GDD), Learning Difficulties, Developmental Co-ordination Disorder (DCD), Social & Communication Disorder (SCD), Pathological demand avoidance (PDA), Anxiety, Depression, Epilepsy, Hypermobility, Impaired hearing and vision, OCD and Cerebal Palsy, through to Chromosome and neurological disorders.

How to contact Spectrum Support

Reach our support team in 5 easy ways

If you would like to access Spectrum Support, you can do this in five straightforward ways, and the buttons below will take you there nice and quickly. You will need to know your Spectrum Membership number for each of these methods.

  1. Open a LiveChat with Spectrum Support during normal working hours (8 am – 8 pm) – a message will still reach the team outside of these hours or if they are busy.
  2. Reach the team via Facebook Messenger
  3. Email the team direct at support@spectrum.org.uk 
  4. Submit a Support request via our form below
  5. Call us on 01223 955404 and request a Support callback (10 am – 4 pm)

We look forward to you getting in touch. We always aim to respond initially to any support requests within 5 working days.

Spectrum Support

Spectrum's support throughout childhood.

Due to the nature of disabilities, it is not always apparent from birth that a child may need extra support. Spectrum exists to support children and families through their journey regardless of when their journey begins. Many of our volunteers can offer invaluable support through personal and professional experiences. Spectrum strives to create an environment where these children can practise their interpersonal skills without judgement or reprisal.

Access the Spectrum Support Team

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Your Name

Child Information


Your Support Requirement

Please provide a short overview of the assistance that you need from our team. This just needs to cover a little background pertaining to the help you are asking for and the exact issue/question you are trying to find an answer/support for.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.
Please use the file upload option for any documentation that you believe may help us understand your request better.


Does your child have an EHCP? (Education Health Care Plan)

Outside Support

Have you had any contact with any of the following areas in the last 6 months for your child? *

Security & Submit

Please ensure that you have checked all details that you have entered on this form before submitting your request. Any inaccuracies in your form will also delay your request from being processed.
Data Privacy (GDPR)