The Spectrum Gallery

Welcome to the Spectrum gallery. The latest photos from our events and all the activities and projects that we get involved in.

These photos can also be found in our Instagram gallery if you are a big fan of the social media service and our videos on our YouTube or Vimeo channels. They have been taken across a variety of venues where we have delivered events and days out to the members we support. These images and videos give you an idea of what life is like at Spectrum and the kind of projects that we deliver to help families of children with Autism, additional needs and disabilities.


All of the photos provided in our gallery are with the written consent of the families that we support where applicable. All of the images displayed in this section are the copyright of Justin Heron, Amy Heron, Samantha Chinery, Spectrum or Portal Works unless otherwise stated.

The images used on this site must not be copied, used or displayed anywhere else without our written consent.